We produce for you in Hradec Králové
We are 100%
czech company
We are located in the original building of Dřevotvar.
We work on four floors in an area measuring 2,392 m2.
We have been doing upholstery
since 1957
Our more than 60 years of experience puts us among the best.
To see how it all began, look here.
Our goal is to increase the standard of living
of Czech households with quality furniture

We pride ourselves on honest

We produce furniture that lasts a long time.
The proof that we do it well is our customers. They have been coming back to us for 15, 20 years.
Each piece is an original. We materialize your ideas and needs.
From one model we can create
up to 237,690 combinations. There is a good chance that nobody has such a seat except you.
We use the best materials.
The quality which the customer does not see is hidden inside. The quality you will really see is that your furniture lasts for many years. We do not hide what’s inside from you.

We develop traditional craftsmanship
using modern technologies.
Seams no longer have just a functional purpose, we also give them an aesthetic purpose.

CNC machines increase the speed and accuracy of work, and reduce waste.

The digitization of the cropping planes makes repeated production a breeze for us.

Design and technical solutions in 3D models.

We are members of the
upholsterers and
decorators guild
We support the development of traditional upholstery
craftsmanship in the Czech Republic.
We collaborate with high schools
and universities
We are trying to revive interest in craftsmanship. We support
young designers and architects.
We sponsor sheltered
workshops and nonprofit organizations
We regularly provide materials to create products that allow disabled people to become integrated in society. Our regular customers include Daneta, Kosmonosy Psychiatric Hospital, Létho o.p.s. Pardubice
We inspire not only our customers
We strive to be a good mentor in the furniture and interior design industry.
We have set up a blog and publish a newsletter Between the Seams.
We are constantly growing and developing
We innovate, introduce new products, come up with new ideas.
Our competitors even sometimes copy them from us.
Come see for yourself
in our company store.
You don’t have to go all the way to Hradec
You will find your nearest store here
If you desire to know more
You can contact us